Promote Your Book Video: Use Social Media & Klout to Sell More Books!

This is really interesting. I don't know if you know anything about Klout, but this video will show you how important your Klout rating really is because it tells you how well your message is being received over the social networks but more importantly from what I'm gathering, how well you are "socializing" as opposed to hawking your whatever it is.  I'm a hawker.  I'm trying to be better about it.  I actually retweeted someone's cute tweet about their 8 year-old-daughter becoming an author today before watching this video but if I am to understand it right, the more you "socialize" the better your klout score so retweeting, replying back to someone's tweet you found interesting, I do believe that's the ticket.  Watch!

1 comment:

  1. I've heard about Klout, but I've never really taken it into account. Maybe I should.


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