Guest Post by Children's Author Terry Nicholetti

When I heard Woody Allen explain the inspiration for one of his movies. “I wanted to show in an entertaining way, that….,” I cried out, that’s me!  I’ve always wanted to share by speaking, writing, performing, things that could make a difference in other people’s lives.

But as soon as I tried to take something to market, I’d get stuck, and be back looking for a “job job” to pay the bills. (That’s how I got my 30 years’ experience in sales and marketing!)

It’s not that my products and programs weren’t any good. After all, the few dozen families who bought my GoldStar Magic! Family Pen-Pal Kit™  really loved it.

So what was it? I read lots of “how to’s” about being a writer. How many hours or words a day, how many days a week, how many marketing activities needed for success. They were formulas, and I could easily feel guilty that I wasn’t able to follow them.

Guilt wasn’t helping. So I had to find my own way. I made two essential discoveries:

1)     Acceptance of exactly where I am right now, without judgment, is the real work under all the other work, the requirement for all lasting growth and change, even if what I discover doesn’t fit the mold of “successful writer’s life.” Being present is how I bring to light the fears that are blocking my work, masquerading as “procrastination.” It’s also how I access the power of intention, or “why.” When I come to know what I truly care about, I am more able to do what it takes to accomplish it.

2)     The power to act also comes from our ability to access our deepest, most real selves – the self that some call soul, Divine Spark, Source, Atmah, Buddha or even Element (Sir Ken Robinson).  I sometimes call it Mother/Father God, or Creative Source Energy. It took me years, but I am now committed to a daily practice of sitting, breathing, connecting with that self, so that I strengthen my “mindfulness,” my connection  Source, and from that, take the actions I need to take.

My work is infused with these teachings because I know that when we connect with our own Creative Source Energy, under all the limiting beliefs, fears, and suffering, the possibilities for creating a meaningful, joyful life, not to mention powerful and entertaining work products, are limitless!  


Terry Nicholetti, Founder and Chief Encourager of Speak Out, Girlfriend!, is a former teaching nun and professional actor/playwright and author, with nearly 30 years experience in sales and marketing. A speaker, consultant and member of National Speakers Association, Terry helps clients, especially artist/entrepreneurs, find their voice and tell their stories. For the past five years, Terry has been studying Mindfulness Meditation, and loves to share a simple yet profound process for becoming more “mindful or “present” at difficult moments, for example, when one is nervous right before a presentation. A member of Unity Worldwide Ministries congregations for more than a decade, Terry has built her Speak Out, Girlfriend! 9 Steps to Get from Fearful to Fabulous in part on Unity principles, especially that the spirit of God/Source/Universe lives in each of us, and that we create our life's experiences through our thoughts. Inspired by missing her own grandchildren after a move, Terry created and produced the GoldStar Magic! Family Pen-Pal Kit ™, including the delightfully illustrated  NoraLee's Adventures on Planet Ifwee, to help children and their grandparents get closer together, one story at a time.


TitleGoldStar Magic! Family Pen-Pal Kit, ™  including NoraLee's Adventures on Planet Ifwee Genre: children
Author: Terry Nicholetti
Publisher: Terry Nicholetti
Purchase link: 

The Gold Star Magic! Family Pen-Pal Kit™
Bringing children and their grandparents closer together – one story at a time!
Parents: Are you looking for ways to help your young children (ages 4-10) stay in touch with their grandparents?

Grandparents: Are your Skyping, texting, emailing, to stay in touch with your grandchildren? Do you remember how exciting it was to get something in the mail addressed to you?

The Gold Star Magic! Family Pen-Pal Kit™  offers a really unique way to use first class mail to help children get closer to their grandparents – as well as build their self-esteem – one story at a time! The kit is built around NoraLee’s Adventures on Planet Ifwee, a delightfully illustrated, 32 page book about a little girl who hates doing her chores, and misses her grandparents. When she visits Planet Ifwee, she learns how to use GoldStar Magic! to solve both these challenges. NoraLee meets residents like Robinia Clarinda Gazaundry, who helps her dad with the family laundry. From her new friends,  NoraLee learns to do something because she cares, give herself gold stars because she feels so proud, and use magic Two-way postal cards to tell her grandparents so they can be proud too.

The kit also includes:

    6 Two-Way Postal Cards™ and sealers for children & grandparents to tell their stories.
    Lots of Gold Stars.

    A link to download The Ifwee Song!“ by Terry and Jan Nigro of Vitamin L Children’s Chorus.

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